Looking for more info or DIY systems, courses, and trainings? You’ve come to the right spot!
Scroll on below for resources I’ve created over my years and packaged for you to gain immediate benefits from.
Bingeable business trainings (free)
Podcast Appearances & Interviews

The EXACT Systems You Need for Balance (+ introducing our Support Coach Katrina)
The Limitless Mother Podcast with Cori Javids
On today’s show I’m bringing in a secret weapon: my pal Katrina. She’s a straight up systems genius. The kind who can look at your business, and say “oh, change this over here” and POOF! Life, biz and money making just got easier. Yep, she’s that good. She’s here to chat with me about the EXACT systems you need as a mum and a business owner if you want to end the overwhelm and create true balance while your bank balance flourishes.

100th Episode Celebration: Powerful Questions to Live By From Leaders in Our Space
One Question Podcast with Kim Argetsinger
Kim invited some of her mentors, peers, and clients to each ask you ONE question that has supported them on their entrepreneurial journey and contributed to creating their version of business success. You’ll hear eight questions, the thought process behind them, and how to use them to support your business focus and priorities, inclusivity, navigating your mindset, and manifesting to support your business, community, audience, income, and impact.

The New Gig (ep#36) Katrina Cobb X Glen Hodgson
A New Gig Podcast with Free Trade Europa
I speak with Katrina Cobb, a freelancer, about her choices and experiences as well as how digitalisation is transforming the world of work. We also discuss what does it mean for companies and individuals in terms of communications and branding as more people move away from the 9 to 5.

139 – Streamlining Freelancing with Katrina Cobb
The Thoughtful Entrepreneur Podcast with Josh Elledge
Katrina Cobb is a business consultant who specializes in working with freelancers and helping them grow their business. Katrina helps independent professionals turn their experience and passion into a full-time freelance business. Her ultimate checklist for starting a freelance business is a quick and easy read guaranteed to help you develop the business of your dream.

Six Figure Freelancer Interview Series
An interview series with Katrina Cobb, talking openly with a dozen 6 figure earners about money, success, and what it takes to make this freelancing thing really work.
Have you ever wanted to learn the secret, behind-the-scenes details of how successful freelance businesses grow and thrive? Wondered just how much money it’s possible to make on your own as a creative freelancer?
I’ve had the chance to connect with more than a dozen amazing solopreneurs and business owners who started out as freelancers, and they were happy to share! The result is a series of interviews with successful 6 figure freelancers talking openly about money, success, and what it takes to make this freelancing thing really work.

5 Minute Business Tips Series
A YouTube series by Katrina Cobb featuring quick, 5-minute business tips, in areas like blindspots, mindset, pivoting, systems, and more.
Courses and Systems ($)

Manifestation for the Practical Minded with Shauna VanBogart
If you want to believe you too can create magic in your life but get stuck on the ‘BUT HOW?’ of it all, this seminar is for you!
This is a paid 90-min workshop to help you leverage your practical nature for magic-making and big moves in your life and business. We want to share what we’ve lived, learned, and now teach that makes manifesting what you want for your life work for the practical-minded.

Uncover Your Business Blindspots
Find and leverage small hidden opportunities to scale your service business.
Join this 5 Day Self-Paced Guided Workshop to Uncover The Business Blindspots That Are Slowing Your Growth, So You Can Implement Small Shifts and Reach New Levels of Success in the Next 90 Days.

Team Forecasting
A system to know at a glance when your team has capacity to take on more work.
This simple tool and systems training is designed for when you want to add and manage your first handful of team members – to see how you can plan your projects, plan your time, and plan to leverage a team strategically to be both profitable and efficient together.

Find Your Freedom Number
Reimagining business goal setting and planning to truly achieve the freedom you desire.
We’ll spend 3 days together to Find Your Freedom Number (using my very-much-cooler-than-it-sounds Freedom Number Calculator tool!), get clarity on what success really looks like for you in a way detached from money stories, and then use your Freedom Number to streamline a focused and simple plan of action that will put you on the fast track to actually seeing progress.
Free Downloads and Checklists
Top 5 Questions To Ask When Hiring Your Next OBM
Grab the Top 5 Questions To Ask When Hiring Your Next OBM!
Hiring an Online Business Manager (OBM) is a critical decision for any online coach.
This guide provides you with the top 5 questions to ask during the interview process, helping you evaluate a candidate’s strategic thinking, project management skills, and more.

Business Systems Checklist
Grab the Ultimate Business Systems Checklist for sustainable growth.
Comprehensive guide covering 7 major areas of business to build systems into so that you can grow and scale your business sustainably.